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Horror Movies on Netflix

"What to watch and what is a waste of time"

By your Netflix reviewer, Yamilux

This month I decided to watch six Horror movies that I was recommended to watch on Netflix to see which ones would actually scare you now that spooky season has arrived. I’m personally not a big fan of Horror movies, I’ve probably only seen about eleven Horror movies in my whole life, but I can assure all of you that I know what a good horror movie is. After watching about six movies, this is what I’ve come up with in order of best to worst.

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1.#Alive 10/10

I was a little worried when I started watching this since it’s in Korean and I didn’t know whether that was going to affect my movie watching experience, but that certainly did not happen. This movie is probably the best Horror movie I’ve ever seen. Usually the scary movies I watch start off with an eerie vibe that kind of bores me, but this one started off super casual and chill, the suspense of what was going to happen next was a bit overwhelming but exciting at the same time. I was definitely on edge for the entirety of this movie, there wasn’t one boring moment. Although this movie was very exciting and thrilling, I did not feel paranoid afterwards or have any nightmares the following night. So if you’re into thriller-supernatural Horror movies that will probably not leave you terrified, this one is definitely for you.

2. Hush 9/10

This was actually my second time watching Hush, and it still horrified me just as much as the first time I watched it. My favorite part of this movie is the fact that the main character is deaf, it was interesting and added a new perspective that I don’t see often in movies but definitely added to the movie in an admirable way. Hearing the main character’s thoughts all throughout the movie instead of just watching/hearing them talk was unquestionably a brilliant idea and decision made by the directors. I feel like every time I watch a Horror movie I’m always getting frustrated with the main character because they keep making dumb decisions like talking, but Hush was different. This is probably the first movie I’ve watched where the main character actually uses their brain correctly and makes wise decisions. I would definitely recommend watching this film, if you haven’t already, if you want to get spooked and scream with your friends.

3. The Boy 9/10

Just like Hush, this was also my second time watching The Boy, and it was also equally terrifying from the first time I watched it. I first watched The Boy in theaters with my mom and had nightmares for two days straight along with paranoia, this time around I, thankfully, just got paranoid. I’ve never been fond of dolls and this genre of scary movies is the reason why. I’ve only watched one other horror movie that involves dolls because of the effects I’ve endured from watching something like that the first time. This was terrifying, but a good watch if you’re looking for a horror movie to watch.

Before I wake was also something I’ve watched before, but watching it a second time did not help it’s scary factor. This movie felt like child’s play after watching the other movies, it doesn’t compare to the rest, so I would watch this one first. Even though it cannot compare with the others, it is still a good movie with an unexpected plot. It had its beautiful scenes and its horrifying scenes, but overall in its entirety it was a good watch. I’d recommend this movie to anyone who doesn’t like to watch horror movies but still wants to watch one this upcoming spooky season.

5. Insidious 7/10

I actually had high expectations for this movie and was horribly disappointed. It took almost everything out of me to continue watching Insidious after I was twenty minutes in. The beginning of Insidious was incredibly out-of-this-world boring, movies like Insidious makes me stay away from supernatural horror movies that include spirits, demons, and ghosts because they almost always start off with a dull beginning. Personally, I think the beginning of horror movies is the most important part since it sets the tone of the film, so truthfully I disliked Insidious. The only reason why I’m giving it a seven out of ten is because it was frightening in the end, but the beginning threw me way off and I’m not particularly a spirit enthusiast. I’d still recommend watching this since we all have our own tastes, I might not like spirit related movies but if you are then you should definitely see this film! Although I would watch out for the beginning if you do decide to watch this.

This was the worst horror movie I’ve ever seen, I wouldn’t even spend time looking at it if I knew. I fell asleep at least four times while watching this with my friends, but that isn’t what made the movie horrible. It Comes At Night is a terrible movie because it doesn't have a strong plot and it doesn’t explain what is going on throughout the movie. I never found out what comes at night or the setting of the whole film, I didn’t get a background over the whole situation so I didn’t really have any reason to be frightened. I can honestly say I only got freaked out about three times, and that was just because of the three jump scares they included. I wouldn’t even know where to start if I had to fix this movie to be an actual horror movie. I earnestly hope no one else has to encounter or undergo watching this movie.

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